Sunday, June 27, 2010


Hi to all the not followers and followers
LOL funny that almost none of the people who said I should do this aren't following it

SO as of 6am this morning the sore throat seemed to be gone, and when I woke up at 3pm it was still gone YAY!!
But in its place the nausea that has been plaguing me for over a month now was back with a vengence and the only thing I seem to be able get down and keep down are those "pop ice" popsicles kids love and I am really worried about all the sugar cause it isn't good for my system, my healing throat, and my damn candida.
Why can't things be simple?

On a totally different note my mom has become friends with a professional astrologer with a somewhat similar pain disorder who is trying to find a way to use a person's personal chart to predict relapses or problematic times so that he or she can try to per pare or decompress before those times occur and hopefully lessen the consequences. Unfortunately my mom volunteered me to help him streamline his program. So today I had to go through my pain journal and answer questions and try to figure things out for him and after going through it I now know that I am not exaggerating when I say this relapse has sucked sour spoiled eggs (the imagery comes from me trying to not curse on this blog) and it has definitely been of the longest and continuous of the last 4 years. Even my good days are filled with pain or nausea or depressive crying to some degree. There are no simple straight happy pain or misery of some kind free days for the last 4+ months at the least... it makes me really not want to look at my other pain journals from before February.

Anyone out there in the same boat want to comment... being left with my own thoughts at a point like this is never fun!

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