Friday, September 17, 2010


So once again today, I am tired and feel kinda like a lazy lump. But the pain isn't bad at all so I have decided to write about something a lil different then my disorder itself today.
Today I am writing about things that make me think.
The two things on TV or in conversation, that make me the most distracted, pain free, or actually happy are Star Trek (everything but DS9 and the new movie) and General Hospital. I can't even figure out why. I have always loved Trek and the anthropology and exploration and tolerance it is supposed to be about, but I can't quite figure out why talking about it or watching it makes me so happy and just snaps me out of everything these days (if only for a minute). Its a huh? thought that came to me today.
Also GH? I mean it drives me nuts with half the characters psychopaths and dirty rotten liers and everyone sleeping with each other and marrying each others exes and siblings and stuff, but at the same time it takes me out of my crap and, unless something so horrible I scream at the scene and TV or get enraged at the injustice of it happens, it distracts me from my pain completely. And I love posting on the message board and having something in common and some connection with other people. It is like I'm not trapped (by my own body or neurosis) in the apartment, like I have a real outside self too.
This is just weird I mean they are two so different shows and neither is reality, so why do they make me feel better? And I know that research has shown that TV and VR can work for people with chronic pain as a distraction and help in coping, but I am 10X's as addicted to my DVR then I am to my pain meds, and that is strange and somewhat upsetting. I worry my addiction to the TV is making me even more lazy and tired then the disease itself, but there is no actual way to know.
Too many questions for me... TTY'all L

1 comment:

  1. Both ST and GH are sort of allegories, and it's interesting, because they both appeal to different ends of the human condition and need. ST is about an idealized future in which humanity has transcended poverty and disease and war, and Star Fleet is traveling across the universe to gain knowledge and understanding, and to help where possible.

    GH, as you said, is nothing like reality and is sort of the opposite- it's all about the human condition and the pain and meanness and lust and drama that are almost universal.

    Both the shows appeal because they are universally true. One appeals for its hope and one for its pathos. I hope you're doing well today!
