Thursday, September 16, 2010

10% aint perfect but its nice

The title of today's post is because the unending pain finally stopped! Yay Balloons and streamers and getting things done... well actually no to all of the above. Yes the pain stopped being unending, yes the pain was 10% of yesterdays pain for most of the day, but no I wasn't getting anything done. The pain finally got to a level where I could distract myself and spend the day relatively comfortably just relaxing so that's what I did.
Then out of no where in the mid evening everything went kinda haywire and my brain felt like it was being squeezed and the repetitive pain that hits my upper left thigh (like someone is digging around in the muscle with a large mean needle) and after that just migrating crazy shots of pain for hours. Then I tried to help my mom and Frank clean and move some stuff in the apartment and did something to my knee. Is is real or is it nuero? I just don't know but the damn thing hurts a lot so why take any chances, back to the bed with me :(
Now I'm having weird muscle pain on a whole side of my body, then it switches to the other side, and then back again... new sensations YAY!! (that was sarcasm just so you know)

And now I am trying to help my mom get ready for her class tomorrow, so tty'all later!
Oh P.S. I really good friend of mine, Jonathan Wilder, was in a car crash on his way to see his mom before deploying for Iraq. He is out of ICU but I am worried so if you pray for those in need of healing and/or the hand of G*d, please remember his name. Thank you!

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